Introduction to Programming (II) C++

This course introduces the support of object oriented programming (OOP) by the C++ programming language, the basics of object oriented programming and Modern C++.


Grading policy

Lectures and assignments
  1. Introduction: C++ as a better C? [slides]
  2. Classes & Objects [slides]
  3. Constructors & Destructors [slides]
  4. Inheritance [slides]
  5. Function Overloading & Overriding [slides]
  6. Case Study: Stack [slides]


Please feel free to use the slides as long as giving appropriate credit to the author!
Any question is welcome.
Please contact Joseph, Chuang-Chieh Lin
(Email to: josephcclin_AT_mail_ntou_edu_tw)

© 2024 Joseph Chuang-Chieh Lin