Data Structures
This course introduces basic data structures. I would like to pay tribute to Prof. Shih-Yeh Chen for sharing us the course material unselfishly.
Textbooks & Referenced Lecture Notes
- Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2nd Edition. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, and Susan Anderson-Freed.
Silicon Press Press. 2007.
Grading policy
- Assignments and Projects (36%)
- Midterm Examination (32%)
- Final Exaimination (32%)
Lectures and assignments
- Basic Concepts
- Arrays and Structures
- Structures and Unions [slides]
- Polynomial Abstract Data Type [slides]
- Sparse Matrix Abstract Data Type [slides]
- Matrix Transpose and Multiplication [slides]
- Multidimensional Array Representation [slides]
- Stacks and Queues
- Linked Lists
- Singly Linked List [slides]
- Polynomial Representation [slides]
- Equivalence Relations, Sparse Matrices and Doubly Linked Lists [slides]
- Trees
- Graphs
- The Graph Abstract Data Type [slides]
- Depth-First Search and Breadth-First Search [slides]
- Connected Components and Biconnected Components [slides]
- Minimum Cost Spanning Trees [slides]
- Shortest Paths [slides], [homework 04]
- All Pairs Shortest Paths [slides]
Please feel free to use the slides as long as giving appropriate credit to the author!
Any question is welcome.
Please contact Joseph, Chuang-Chieh Lin (Email to:
© 2024 Joseph Chuang-Chieh Lin