Research Notes
Slides for talks and reports:
African populations and the evolution of human mitochondrial DNA
On finding minimal length superstrings
A 2.5-approximation algorithm for shortest superstring
Lecture notes on evolution trees
Approximate matching of polygonal shapes
How to reconstruct a large genetic network from
gene perturbations in fewer than
easy steps
Applications of symbolic logic to gene regulation systems
The full Steiner tree problem
An algorithm for the Steiner problem in graphs
Algorithms for identifying Boolean networks and related biological networks based on matrix multiplication and fingerprint function
The Church-Turing thesis: breaking the myth
Probabilistic coloring of bipartite and split graphs
An algorithm for the Steiner problem in graphs (revisit in Nov. 16, 2005)
Approximating the minimum spanning tree weight in sublinear time
A simple linear time algorithm for the domatic partition problem on strongly chordal graphs
A randomized approximation scheme for metric MAX-CUT
Introduction to property testing
Three theorems regarding testing graph properties (the first theorem)
Constructing phylogenies from quartets: elucidation of eutherian superordinal relationships
New fixed-parameter algorithms for the minimum quartet inconsistency problem
Introduction to the Regularity Lemma
A characterization of easily testable induced subgraphs (I)
Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal
An example of property testing with a two-sided error and with a one-sided error
A characterization of easily testable induced subgraphs (II)
Clusters and quartenary relations
Equitable coloring extends Chernoff-Hoeffding bounds
Testing induced
Computing branching numbers
Complement reducible graphs
Finding and counting given length cycles
A faster algorithm for the single source shortest path problem with few distinct positive lengths
Testing expansion in bounded-degree graphs
Testing cycle-freeness in bounded-degree graphs
Computing the girth of a planar graph
On positive influence dominating sets in social networks
A greedy, graph-based algorithm for the alignment of multiple homologous gene lists
Testing tree-consistency with
missing quartets
Testing if a bounded-degree graph has a simple
Slides for Ph.D. Dissertation Oral Defense
Evolutionary conserved elements in vertebrate, insect, worm, and yeast genomes
Accurate identification of A-to-I RNA-editing in human by transcriptome sequencing
Identification of widespread ultra-edited human RNAs
Accurate identification of human
and non-
RNA editing sites
A survey of genomic traces reveals a common sequencing error, RNA editing, and DNA editing
Landscape of transcription in human cells
Global regulation of alternative splicing by adenosine deaminase acting on RNA (ADAR)
Global regulation of alternative splicing by adenosine deaminase acting on RNA (ADAR)
Features of evolutionarily conserved alternative splicing events between Brassica and Arabidopsis
Shotgun proteomics aids discovery of novel protein-coding genes, alternative splicing, and resurrected pseudogenes in the mouse genome
Pattern matching with don’t cares and few errors
Simple approximate equilibria in large games
On discrete preferences and coordination
Revenue and Reserve Prices in a Probabilistic Single Item Auction
Aggregating partial rankings with applications to peer grading in massive online open courses
-armed dueling bandits problem
Celebrity games
Query complexity of approximate equilibria in anonymous games
epsilon-covers and Nash equilibrium computation
Discretized multinomial distributions and Nash equilibria in anonymous games
Sampling correctors
Of the people: voting is more effective with representative candidates
Competing bandits: Learning under competition
How good is a two-party election game?
No-Regret Online Learning Algorithms
When do prediction market makers make profits?
Network Creation Games plus Social Network Creation
A Sketch of Nash's Theorem from Fixed Point Theorems
Online Learning for Min-Max Discrete Problems
© 2004 Joseph Chuang-Chieh Lin